Adult Athlete Spotlight - February

Malik Green – Black Belt

What got you started in martial arts?  What keeps in involved?  My uncle, Lacy Green, is the reason I started karate. But what keeps me coming back year after year, beyond the physical challenges and self-improvement, is the impact I get to make on others – especially youth.  So I have to give them someone strong and respectful to look up to because the streets are not an option.  Thank you, Uncle Lacy, for showing me the path. And thank you, kids, for reminding me every day why I walk it.  

Imagine you're giving a pep talk to your younger self just starting out in karate. What's the one piece of advice you'd give them?  My younger self didn’t want to trust the process at all.  So I’d tell him to be very patient and listen more and talk less. I used to be very hard-headed.

What's the most epic pre-competition meal you've ever had?  Let's just say my "most epic" pre-competition meal wouldn't exactly top a list of athlete success stories.  It was a large juicy hamburger that did not sit well.  Let's call it a learning experience... and a cautionary tale!  Avoid greasy food.    

If you had a theme song, what would it be and why?  It’ll be Drake What About That Cash, because it just makes me feel super good and it puts me in the zone ready for a karate tournament.

If you were a Marvel or DC superhero, who would you be and why? I would be Batman because he is very aggressive and a very good peacemaker.  Like Batman, I believe in pushing myself beyond perceived limitations. Every training session in karate is a test of mental and physical fortitude. I imagine a Batman who inspires not just through fear, but also through mentorship and leadership. A hero who trains others to defend themselves and their communities.


Youth Athlete Spotlight - February


AKA Warrior Cup - Athlete Highlight